Active Ingredients

Vitamin & Mineral Glossary

Vitamin B complex (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12)

To increase energy levels, reduce fatigue, create new blood cells, maintain healthy skin, improve mood and cognitive performance and reduce the risk of developing certain cancers

Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Helps to convert food into fuel, which the body uses to produce energy.

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)

Essential for normal mitochondrial activities, reduces oxidative stress and inflammation of the nerves

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

Important for converting food into energy. Essential in keeping your nervous system, digestive system and skin healthy.

Vitamin B6 (Pyroxidine)

Helps to correct hormonal imbalances which lead to acne redness and inflammation.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Gives the skin a naturally revitalized appearance making it well-suited to dull and aging skin. Vitamin B7 also helps to stimulates keratin production in hair and increases the rate of follicle growth.

Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Important in red blood cell formation and for healthy cell growth and function.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Plays an essential role in red blood cell formation, cell metabolism, nerve function, and the production of DNA.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Strengthens and boosts our immune system, manage high blood pressure, lowers risk of heart disease, helps to prevent iron deficiency, anti-ageing effects on skin in preventing the formation of fine lines & wrinkles, increasing collagen production as well as improve the overall texture of skin whilst brightening and giving in a radiant glow

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Helps lower blood sugar levels, eliminate free radicals, helps diabetic peripheral neuropathy (nerve pain, numbness, tingling) aids in weight loss. AHA has also been shown to improve the quality of skin and fight the first signs of aging by inducing collagen production, decreases melanin production, reducing hyperpigmentation and evens out skin tone, reducing fine lines and wrinkles


Provides protection to the skin against blue light, harmful UV rays and other high energy sources that cause oxidative damage to the skin. Lutein also promotes healthy vision by improving or even preventing age related macular disease

Magnesium Chloride

Helps Improve the skins overall appearance, reducing acne, improving cellular regeneration and repair. Other functions include supporting optimal muscle and nerve function. Chronically low Magnesium levels have been shown to increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, type 12 diabetes and osteoporosis.


Ensures the skin remains firm and protected against UV damage, inflammation and hyperpigmentation. Boosts immune function, improving hair and nail health and supporting a healthy thyroid.

Zinc Sulfate

Required for a robust immune system. Anti-inflammatory properties relieve skin redness and irritation associated with breakouts & acne, may also help in reducing the appearance of acne scars.


Helps turn fat into energy and aiding weight loss, improves muscle function, exercise and performance Other major benefits include improving heart and brain function and an overall sense of wellbeing.

D Ribose

Works on a cellular level to boost energy, ease chronic fatigue and improve heart function. Supports the skeletal muscles during strenuous exercise, aids in the synthesis of ATP, nucleic acids and glycogen.

L – Glutamine

An essential amino acid that combats the effects of stress, helps gut function, immune function. Plays an important role in recovery after illness, injury or surgery.

N – Acetylcysteine

An essential amino acid that helps to create and replenish glutathione – our body’s most potent antioxidants which helps to get rid of cell-damaging free radicals. Essential for boosting immune health, detoxification of the liver and kidney. Helps improve the symptoms of respiratory system conditions by loosening mucus in the airways and reducing inflammation.


Supports energy metabolism by keeping the mitochondria working optimally, supports athletic performance and exercise capacity, protects your cells against different types of stress. Promotes a healthy vascular system.

L – Lysine

Direct role in protein production hence directly linked to the development of muscle. Aids in reducing recovery time after exercise by stimulating muscle synthesis and repairing damaged tissue.


One of the 9 essential amino acids. Improves athletic performance and the body’s muscle to fat ratio. Helps support liver detoxification.

Choline Chloride

Enhances muscle performance during exercise by improving stamina through its activity at a cellular level. Choline supports communication with muscle fibers and promotes muscle recovery following repetitive motion, resulting in better overall training output.


Specifically seen to enhance resting growth hormone levels which help to stimulate muscle growth, reduce post exercise lactate and ammonia levels which contribute to faster recovery and an improvement in performance and strength on anaerobic based exercise. Arginine has also been shown to promote an increase in blood perfusion within the active muscles during exercise.

Ubedecarinone CoQ10

Helps generate energy in your cells, Improves aerobic power, anaerobic threshold, exercise peak power performance, and recovery after exercise, Supports cardiovascular system during workouts. Other benefits include reducing risks of heart disease, brain disorders, diabetes, and cancer


Inositol helps in many physiological processes in bodybuilding. Enhances stamina, and faster muscle building during training. Also helps with weight loss by improving metabolism and reducing insulin resistance


Helps muscles recover after strenuous use, promotes muscle protein synthesis, reduces tiredness and fatigue and improve muscle strength.


An essential amino acid for muscle repair, muscle growth and glucose transport to the muscles during exercise and training for optimal function.

Vitamin D

Necessary for bone and muscle health, supports the immune system and vital for fighting viral infections and disease.
Boosts energy levels helps to fight stress and tiredness and hair health. Can also alleviate symptoms linked to depression