
Exclusive Health and Wellness Day at your Gym

Are you looking to provide your gym members with the ultimate health and wellness experience?

By partnering with us, your gym members will have access to two of our top-of-the-line services:

  1. Vitamin, Mineral and Collagen Scan:

    Our scan is a non-invasive and painless diagnostic tool that uses high-frequency light spectrophotometry to scan the palms of the hand and provide detailed measurements of minerals, trace elements, and heavy metals in the body. The Oligoscan can highlight several things:

    1. Mineral Deficiencies: The scan provides detailed measurements of essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, zinc, and iron, which are crucial for maintaining good health. The scan can highlight any deficiencies in these minerals, which can indicate a lack of these essential nutrients in the diet or other underlying health issues.

    2. Trace Element Imbalances: The scan also measures the levels of trace elements such as chromium, copper, and selenium, which are important for a range of bodily functions. Imbalances in these trace elements can indicate deficiencies or excesses that may be impacting overall health.

    3. Heavy Metal Toxicity: The scan also measures the levels of heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can be toxic to the body in high concentrations. High levels of these metals can indicate exposure to environmental toxins or other sources, and can have a range of negative effects on health.

    4. Oxidative Stress: The scan also measures the level of oxidative stress in the body, which is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the body’s ability to neutralize them. High levels of oxidative stress can indicate an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes and cancer.

    5. Collagen: Oligoscan also measure the level of collagen in the body, which is a protein that is essential for the strength and elasticity of the skin, tendons, ligaments, and bones. Lower levels of collagen can indicate signs of aging or other health issues.

    By providing detailed measurements of these key indicators of health, our scan can help to identify potential health issues and provide the information needed to create a targeted plan of action to optimize the overall health and well-being of the individual.

  2. Oxygen Therapy:
    This 20-minute session, administrated via a mask and scented with a choice of light aromas, is designed to increase energy levels, endurance during exercise, aid in recovery, increase concentration and ease headaches and hangovers. Oxygen therapy works by increasing the amount of oxygen in the body, which helps to improve the body’s ability to use oxygen for energy production.

    Oxygen therapy can be particularly beneficial for sports people as it increases the amount of oxygen in the body, which can lead to a number of performance-enhancing benefits.

    Firstly, by increasing the body’s ability to use oxygen for energy production, oxygen therapy can help to improve endurance during physical activity. This can be especially beneficial for athletes in endurance sports such as marathon running, cycling or cross country skiing. The extra oxygen supply to the muscles can help the athletes to push harder for longer periods of time, leading to an overall improvement in performance.

    Secondly, oxygen therapy can aid in recovery after exercise. The extra oxygen supply to the body can help to speed up the healing process, reduce inflammation and muscle soreness, allowing the athletes to train harder and recover more quickly. This can help to reduce the risk of injury and increase the overall training volume.

    Thirdly, oxygen therapy can also help to improve mental clarity and concentration. As the brain receives more oxygen, it can function more effectively and efficiently, which can be particularly beneficial for athletes who require quick reaction times and decision-making skills.

    Finally, oxygen therapy can also help to ease headaches and hangovers, which can be beneficial for athletes who engage in intense training and competition schedules. This can help them to focus on their training and competition without the distractions of headaches and hangovers.

    In summary, oxygen therapy can provide a range of benefits for sports people, including improved endurance, faster recovery, improved mental clarity and concentration, and relief from headaches and hangovers, which can all help to improve overall performance and reduce the risk of injury.

By offering these services at no cost to your gym, we aim to enhance their experience at your gym and add value to their visit. In return, Alekseer would benefit from the exposure and the opportunity to showcase our exceptional customer service and medical knowledge.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to provide your gym members with the ultimate health and wellness experience. Contact us today to schedule an Exclusive Health and Wellness Day at your gym!







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ALEKSEER الإِكْسير

Find us at the Beautifyme medical centre


115 Al Thanya St - Umm Suqeim - Dubai - United Arab Emirates

+971 4 393 6224